Streamlined Process

Portals dedicated to municipal entities put projects and processes at the finger tips of members, applicants, and the public

Highly Customizable

Each entity has full control over its own pages and processes. All forms are infinitely configurable.

Easy to Use

Designed using the latest web technologies, MuniCollab’s portals are user friendly and easy to use

Secure & Accountable

Project changes are logged making for an easy to follow and transparent process

Woman sitting at computer

Modernize Your Land Use Reviews

MuniCollab has designed a suite of purpose-built tools that streamline the project management and file management processes underlying land-use reviews.

Easily Configure Application Forms

Application forms are highly customizable to local needs. Need to add a section about steep slopes or waterfront considerations? MuniCollab staff will walk you through the process during setup, showing you how its done and afterwards you can easily make changes yourself – or ask us to do it for you.

Benefits to Applicants

MuniCollab’s highly customizable application forms are designed to support applicant through the process of preparing an application for submission.

Inline help boxes and municipal code references provide applicants with the knowledge they need to submit a complete application

Board Members With Screen

Simplify the Steps to Apply

Forms are easily fillable right from an applicant’s web browser. No need for Adobe, scanning, printing, etc. Place critical information and resources in-line with each question to help cut down on the back-and-forth when helping applicants submit their project. 

Board Members With Laptops

Benefits to Board and Staff

MuniCollab makes it simple to stay on top of project changes. No more relying on email to track revision requests and no more relying on file names to keep track of different file versions.

Powerful Project Review Tools

View PDFs from the browser (option to print). Notify applicants of project revision requests in real-time, allowing them to check off each requested detail as they follow up with changes. 

Full Record Keeping

Easily track every detail of every change. Store and display consultant memos and written public comments. Export the full project record for county referral and offline record keeping. 


Notifications, sent via email and available on the website itself, make it easy to stay on top of project changes. 

Technology Partnerships

MuniCollab utilizes General Code's eCode360 API to streamline access to municipal code within its collaboration platform.

MuniCollab utilizes General Code’s eCode360 API to streamline access to municipal code within its collaboration platform.

Interested in learning more?

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