Earlier this month the MuniCollab team attended the New York Conference of Mayors (NYCOM) Fall Training School with over 450 other participants – our first conference as exhibitors! 

Watching clerks, treasurers, trustees, and mayors exchanging stories, interacting with vendors, giving each other support – it was a strong reminder of why we got involved in this work in the first place. We’re constantly in awe of all the hard work that happens in the public sector on the local level. Our inspiration comes from this work. We believe that the public sector deserves the same powerful tools that are available to the private sector. 

MuniCollab Co-Founders Lou Klepner and Abe Uchitelle at the MuniCollab booth.

The conference was a great experience, and we’d like to share some of our takeaways: 

  • There is a strong appetite for software that improves government efficiency and public transparency. This was a common conversation at the MuniCollab booth. Attendees remarked on how many processes in their village were still manual processes based on paper forms.
  • Staff members and elected officials alike are aware of how challenging the planning approval process is today. After explaining how our platform works, it was common to hear a long sigh, followed by “ok, we need that.”

Throughout the conference we heard a full range of specific examples of the ways the process is failing applicants, staff, and the general public in communities across New York State. For some mayors, the need for more transparency was at the forefront of their thinking. For others, it was the need to support their staff with efficiency investments. All agreed applicants deserve a better process as well. 

  • State agencies want to help. Multiple state agencies approached the MuniCollab booth to discuss ways we might be able to help communities throughout New York. The state is particularly interested in helping small communities by creating a wide range of grant opportunities. Our organization is very much aligned with this vision, which is one of the reasons we provide a tiered pricing model based on population. 
  • Events are a great way to unwind. Communities all across New York owe a debt of gratitude to the staff and elected officials that help their municipalities run smoothly. These are often thankless roles, with members of the public speaking up only when there is a problem. The day-to-day can be a grind, and being around others who share this experience can be hugely rewarding. 

We’re so grateful for the team at NYCOM for creating an opportunity for our team to meet so many passionate local leaders. The conference was a great experience, and we’re already looking forward to the next one!