Modernizing Land Use Reviews

MuniCollab’s initial focus is on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of land-use review boards as a means of  unlocking smart economic growth and other long-term community goals. These tools  provide a means of fully digitizing land-use review procedures, from application in-take, through the board review process, to final decision making. MuniCollab’s portal provides public access to land-use proposals providing greater transparency for all stakeholders We believe that modern and effective land-use review processes serve a critical function in shaping the future of the communities they serve.

Project Details

Easily view project information from a standardized dashboard showing project status and top-level details.

Easily Configure Application Forms

Create dynamic infinitely-configurable applications that mirror your current forms. 

Simplify the Steps to Apply

Forms are easily fillable right from an applicant’s web browser. No need for Adobe, scanning, printing, etc. Place critical information and resources in-line with each question to help cut down on the back-and-forth when helping applicants submit their project. 

Powerful Project Review Tools

View PDFs from the browser (option to print). Notify applicants of project revision requests in real-time, allowing them to check off each requested detail as they follow up with changes. 

Full Record Keeping

Easily track every detail of every change. Store and display consultant memos and written public comments. Export the full project record for county referral and offline record keeping. 


Notifications, sent via email and available on the website itself, make it easy to stay on top of project changes. 

MuniCollab’s land-use review software is purpose-built for municipalities in New York to improve the ways their boards function. By modernizing review workflows members and staff can shift their focus from file management and other data management logistics to what matters most – focusing on the substance of the review.

To learn more, email us at