MuniCollab Highlight: Powerful Task Tools
Streamline Project Management Managing complex planning and permitting projects just got easier with MuniCollab’s Project Tasks feature, where every step of your project’s…
Feature Highlight: Mapping & GIS
Visualize the Projects in Your Community With MuniCollab’s powerful mapping tools, towns, villages, and cities can show all projects currently under review by their land-use review boards…
NYCOM Fall Training School 2024 Wrap-Up
Earlier this month the MuniCollab team attended the New York Conference of Mayors (NYCOM) Fall Training School with over 450 other participants –…
NYPF 2024 Annual Conference
MuniCollab Co-Founders Lou and Abe had the opportunity this month to attend the New York Planning Federation (NYPF) Annual Conference in Saratoga Springs….
NYCOM Downtown Revitalization Conference
I recently had the chance to attend the NYCOM’s (New York State Conference of Mayors) Community Revitalization Conference in Oswego. The conference was…